image description
Храм-памятник в честь Всех Святых. Минск. Фото М. Гучека. БЕЛТА
Храм-помнік у гонар Усіх Святых. Мінск. Фота М. Гучака. БЕЛТА
Memorial Church in honor of All Saints. Minsk. Photo by M. Gucek. BELTA
image description
Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы. Витебск. Фото А. Хитрова. БЕЛТА
Храм Благавешчання Найсвяцейшай Багародзіцы. Віцебск. Фота А. Хітрова. БЕЛТА
Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Vitebsk. Photo by A. Khitrov. BELTA
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Новый замок. Гродно. Фото Л. Щеглова. БЕЛТА
Новы замак. Гродна. Фота Л. Шчаглова. БЕЛТА
New castle. Grodno. Photo by L. Shcheglov. BELTA
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Костел Святых Симеона и Елены. Минск. Фото О. Манчук. БЕЛТА
Касцёл Святых Сымона і Алены. Мінск. Фота А. Манчук. БЕЛТА
Church of Saints Simeon and Helena. Minsk. Photo by O. Manchuk. BELTA
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Выставка в Национальном художественном музее. Фото М. Гучека. БЕЛТА
Выстава ў Нацыянальным мастацкім музеі. Фота М. Гучака. БЕЛТА
Exhibition at the National Art Museum. Photo by M. Gucek. BELTA
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Дворцово-парковый комплекс Радзивиллов. Несвиж. Фото Л. Щеглова. БЕЛТА
Палацава-паркавы комплекс Радзівілаў. Нясвіж. Фота Л. Шчаглова. БЕЛТА
Palace and park complex Radziwill. Nesvizh. Photo by L. Shcheglov. BELTA
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Национальная библиотека Беларуси. Фото М. Гучека. БЕЛТА
Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі. Фота М. Гучака. БЕЛТА
National Library of Belarus. Photo by M. Gucek. BELTA
image description
Купаловский мемориальный заповедник "Вязынка". Фото А. Пакумейко. БЕЛТА
Купалаўскі мемарыяльны запаведнік "Вязынка". Фота А. Пакумейкi. БЕЛТА
Kupalovsky memorial reserve "Vyazynka". Photo by A. Pacumeiko. BELTA
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Мельница в Дудутках. Фото Г. Жинкова. БЕЛТА
Млын у Дудутках. Фота Г. Жынкова. БЕЛТА
Mill in Dudutki. Photo by G. Zinkov. BELTA

Educational and Cultural Tourism

The centuries-long history of Belarus and authentic culture of its people are reflected in multiple historical and cultural monuments (over 17500 sites), more than 5000 of which are included into the State Register of Historical and Cultural Values and are being actively visited by tourists.

One of the most famous sightseeing is rightfully considered the Mir Castle, an outstanding specimen of the 16th century fortification architecture, combining Gothic and Baroque styles. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Nesvizh Palace and Park Complex is a unique monument of Belarusian architecture and landscape design entered into the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. The palace's owners, the most famous from whom the Radziwill family was, rebuilt it many times, that's why it has the characteristics of different styles.

Nacional'ny'j park "Belovezhskaya pushha" (The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park) and Dugi Struve (the Struve Geodetic Arc) are also included into the list of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.

There are a number of drevnie goroda (ancient towns) on the territory of Belarus: Polotsk, Novogrudok, Turov, Grodno, Nesvizh, Zaslavl, which are among the most visited touristic attractions in the country.

In Belarus there are hundreds of muzejny'e e'kspozicii, galerei i vy'stavochny'e zaly' (museums, galleries and exhibition halls) with the total collection of over 2,8 million items: unique artifacts of national and world culture.

Links to the Internet-resources

Places of interest in Belarus

Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Zaslavl”


The National Historical and Cultural Museum-reserve “Niasvizh”

Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve

Photo Encyclopedia of Belarus
