Culture and Art
Throughout the centuries-old history the Belarusian nation has created rich and authentic cultural heritage, which became an intеgral part of Slavic and world culture.
Belarusian national culture traces its roots back to the 9th – first half of the 13 centuries, in the midst of the Kievan Rus existence. At this period the material and intellectual culture appeared that became later the basis for Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian national cultures. It was the main feature of Belarusian culture formation: Slavic tradition of the Krivichs, Dregovichs and Radimichs was closely intertwined with the culture of the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples who lived here prior to the coming of the Slavs. During this time Belarusians worked their way up from paganism to Christianity, from the absence of writing language to first manuscripts, from primitive architecture to the building of grand temples, palaces and castles, which now form part of the world сultural life. The adoption of Christianity furthered the development of education, fine arts, architecture and literature in Belarus.
The acquisition of state sovereignty marked the new stage of national culture development. Expansion of genres and forms of culture development, national and cultural revival, return to national historical heritage became the key features.
Cultural life of Belarus is diverse and dynamic. Classical pieces of Belarusian music and drama are performed at concert halls and theaters of the country. Art exhibitions, music, theater and film festivals are held.
Contemporary cultural process in the Republic of Belarus is based on the achievements of previous development stages and implies the improvement of national policy in the sphere of culture through application of new economic and legal arrangements, informational and financial support of cultural institutions and educational establishments in the sphere of culture, creative unions and cultural workers.
About 30 professional theaters, more than 50 musical and choreographic groups, more than 150 museums, about 2.5 thousand libraries, more than 2.6 thousand clubs, about 420 music schools, more than 10 parks of culture and recreation, 2 circuses operate in Belarus. The state cinema network has more than 80 stationary cinemas, more than 140 mobile video projection installations. 3 higher educational institutions and more than 15 colleges train specialists for the sphere of culture and art.
Unique composer and performing schools have been created in the country. Concert activities are carried out by about 20 state concert organizations.
There are more than 10 creative unions, uniting about 9 thousand creators of the country.
The following state programs were successfully implemented: “Culture of Belarus” for the period of 2011–2015; “Culture of Belarus” for the period of 2016–2020; “Slutsk belts” for the period of 2012–2015 (revival of technologies and traditions of Slutsk belts production and development of national souvenir gifts production); “Belarusians in the world” for the period of 2013–2015 (cooperation with Belarusians living abroad); “Castles of Belarus” for the period of 2012–2018 were successfully implemented. In 2017 the Culture Code of the Republic of Belarus was adopted. The State program “Culture of Belarus” for the period of 2021–2025 is now realizing. According to the Program, work continues on the formation of digital cultural content, the creation of electronic catalogs of historical, cultural and natural monuments of the Republic of Belarus, the digitization of the museum and library collections, the cinema fund and objects of intangible cultural heritage.
In Belarus created The State information resource "Data bank of the Information on the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Belarus", which is a systematic collection of information on historical and cultural values placed under state protection and listed in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus. Complete scientific and project documentation about artefacts with historical and cultural significance is available in this site, together with details on publishing and other items pertaining to cultural and historical heritage.
The cultural and artistic life of the country is covered on the pages of periodicals: the newspapers "Litaratura i Mastatstva" (published in Belarusian since 1932) and "Culture" (also published in Belarusian since 1991); magazine "Mastatsva" (from 1983 to 1991 it was published under the title "Mastatstva of Belarus", in the Belarusian language). The founder of the newspaper "Culture" and the magazine "Mastatstva" is the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.
Useful links
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus
State list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus
Data bank of Belarus’ historical and cultural heritage
"Kultura", newspaper
"Litaratura i mastactva", newspaper
"Mastactva", magazine
Creative unions
Belorusskij soyuz kompozitorov
Belorusskij soyuz muzy'kal'ny'x deyatelej
Belorusskij soyuz zhurnalistov
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Educational Institutions
Belarusian State Academy of Music
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