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ООО "Алютех Воротные Системы". СЭЗ "Минск". Фото О. Манчук. БЕЛТА
ТАА "Алютэх Варотныя Сістэмы". СЭЗ "Мінск". Фота А. Манчук. БЕЛТА
LLC "Alutech Gate Systems". FEZ "Minsk". Photo by O. Manchuk. BELTA
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Научно-производственное частное унитарное предприятие "Адани". СЭЗ "Минск". Фото О. Манчук. БЕЛТА
Навукова-вытворчае прыватнае ўнітарнае прадпрыемства "Адані. СЭЗ "Мінск". Фота А. Манчук. БЕЛТА
Scientific and Production Private Unitary Enterprise "Adani". FEZ "Minsk". Photo by O. Manchuk. BELTA
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Продукция ООО "БелЭмса". Могилёв. Фото О. Фойницкого. БЕЛТА
Прадукцыя ООО "БелЭмса". Магілёў. Фота А. Файніцкага. БЕЛТА
Products of Ltd. "BelEmsa". Mogilyov. Photo by O. Foinitsky. BELTA
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Белорусско-китайское региональное сотрудничество. Фото А. Дидевича. БЕЛТА
Беларуска-кітайскае рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва. Фота А. Дзідзевіча. БЕЛТА
Belarusian-Chinese regional cooperation. Photo by A. Didevich. BELTA
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Конгресс СЭЗ Северной и Восточной Европы. Гомель. Фото С. Холодилина. БЕЛТА
Кангрэс СЭЗ Паўночнай і Усходняй Еўропы. Гомель. Фота С. Халадзіліна. БЕЛТА
Congress of FEZ of Northern and Eastern Europe. Gomel. Photo by S. Kholodilin. BELTA
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Открытие нового предприятия в СЭЗ "Могилев". Фото О. Фойницкого. БЕЛТА
Адкрыццё новага прадпрыемства ў СЭЗ "Магілёў". Фота А. Файніцкага. БЕЛТА
Opening of a new enterprise in the Mogilev FEZ. Photo by O. Foinitsky. BELTA

Free Economic Zones

A free economic zone (FEZ) is a part of the territory of the Republic of Belarus with determined boundaries and a special legal regime, establishing a special procedure and terms of taxation, currency, customs and other regulations.

The development of free economic zones is oriented to the fulfillment of following tasks:

  • increase of the foreign investments inflow;
  • providing favorable conditions for attraction of new and high technologies and best foreign practices;
  • employment generation;
  • improvement of investment environment and attraction of strategic investors.

In the Republic of Belarus, as in the rest of the world, the regulations of a FEZ give companies a chance to operate on favourable terms.

The territory of free economic zones is a part of the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Presently there are six free economic zones in the Republic of Belarus:

FEZ "Brest" (1996) is the first FEZ in the Republic of Belarus. Currently, 73 resident enterprises from 20 countries are registered in the zone, which produce about 2000 types of industrial products and goods, including electrical products, road marking machines and equipment, paints and enamels, gas and electric stoves, furniture, seafood, meat and confectionery. Currently, the FEZ is taking investments in the creation of enterprises using high technologies in the pharmaceutical, automotive, electronic, engineering and other industries. In 2019, FEZ business entities exported goods worth $ 718 million, and the export geography includes 75 countries of the world.

FEZ "Gomel-Raton" (1998) has 69 residents from 17 countries with domestic and foreign investments (as of March 2020). In the FEZ are located high-tech enterprises of radio electronics, instrumentation, engineering, electrical and cable industries. All enterprises have free production facilities, storage facilities, developed infrastructure, a full range of engineering communications. Export of products of existing participants of the FEZ "Gomel-Raton" is carried out in more than 60 countries.
FEZ "Grodnoinvest" (2002). For more than 15 years of activity, the FEZ has become a key platform for business development in the Grodno region. Today, residents of the FEZ are 76 enterprises in the field of woodworking and furniture production, machine building and metalworking, food and light industry, agriculture with a production volume of over $ 1.6 billion. They form a quarter of the region’s production, a third of the export. Investors from 41 countries of the world invested their funds in the implementation of projects.

FEZ "Minsk" (1998). The creation of the FEZ was an effective tool of the state industrial policy to ensure the formation of a favorable investment and business climate in the region. During its activities, the FEZ Minsk has become a leading industrial center and has attracted investments worth more than $ 2 billion. Companies from 20 countries invested in business in the territory of FEZ: the main investor countries are Russia, Cyprus, Great Britain, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, and the USA. Currently, 120 resident enterprises are registered in the FEZ. 80 countries of the world import products manufactured by these enterprises worth more than $ 11 billion.

FEZ "Mogilev" (2002) The FEZ “Mogilev” (2002) consists of 18 plots with a total area of 3,339.4 hectares. The area of free land for new construction is more than 420 ha. On the territory of the SEZ there are more than 120 thousand square meters. m of unused production space suitable for the location of production. All sections of the SEZ are distinguished by a developed engineering and transport infrastructure. As of the beginning of 2020, the Mogilev FEZ has over 40 resident enterprises.consists of 12 zones with a total area of 2840,7 hectares. The area of disposable land parcels is 734,53 hectares. In the territory there are 148 000 sq. m. of unusable production spaces, suitable for production allocation. All the FEZ zones have well-developed engineering and transport infrastructure.

FEZ "Vitebsk" (1999). The result is implementation of 52 investment projects with participation of capital from 14 countries of the world. The main industries of the FEZ industrial complex are light and woodworking industries, machine and machine tools, electronics, furniture and food products. Due to its geoeconomic position, the FEZ is a kind of springboard in the development of promising markets for goods and services in Russia, the Baltic countries, and Scandinavia. Today, the territory of the FEZ “Vitebsk” is 2.764 thousand hektares.

The Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 7, 1998 "On Free Economic Zones" defines legal and organizational framework of creation, functioning and liquidation of a FEZ in the Republic of Belarus.