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Отель "Виктория-Олимп". Минск. Фото В. Толочко. БЕЛТА
Гатэль "Вікторыя-Алімп". Мінск. Фота В. Тaлочкi. БЕЛТА
Hotel "Victoria-Olymp". Minsk. Photo by V. Tolochko. BELTA
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Гостиница "Беларусь". Минск. Фото В. Толочко. БЕЛТА
Гасцініца "Беларусь". Мінск. Фота В. Талочкі. БЕЛТА
Hotel "Belarus". Minsk Photo by V. Tolochko. BELTA
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Президент-отель. Минск. Фото А. Дидевича. БЕЛТА
Прэзідэнт-гатэль. Мінск. Фота А. Дзідзевіча. БЕЛТА
President Hotel. Minsk. Photo by A. Didevich. BELTA
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На туристическом маршруте МТЗ. Фото Р. Насибулина. БЕЛТА
На турыстычным маршруце МТЗ. Фота Р. Насібуліна. БЕЛТА
On the tourist route MTZ. Photo by R. Nasibulin. BELTA

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Туркомплекс "Николаевские пруды". Круглянский район. Фото О. Фойницкого. БЕЛТА
Туркомплекс "Мікалаеўскія сажалкі". Круглянскі раён. Фота А. Файнiцкaгa. БЕЛТА
Tourist complex "Nikolaev ponds". Kruglyansky district. Photo by O. Foinitsky. BELTA
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Мирский замок. Фото А. Дидевича. БЕЛТА
Мірскі замак. Фота А. Дзiдзевіча. БЕЛТА
Mir Castle. Photo by A. Didevich. BELTA


Ecotourism is traveling to places with relatively untouched nature, in order to get an idea of the natural, cultural and ethnographic features of the area, without violating the integrity of ecosystems.

The uniqueness of the Belarusian nature allows us to develop such areas of ecotourism as travel to nature reserves, scientific tourism, natural history tours.

The basis for the development of eco-tourism is a network of specially protected natural areas and national parks, where unique landscapes and absolute reserves of wildlife are preserved. A special place among them belongs to the National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha – the oldest of the forests of Europe, included in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.

Other national parks are also unique – Braslav Lakes, Pripyatsky, Narochansky, as well as the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve.

For nature history amateurs, Belarus can provide tourist excursions that run along specially formed ecological routes. Ecological trails and routes allow you to appreciate the unique beauty of the country, get acquainted with its rich natural potential, picturesque landscapes, the richness of flora and fauna, natural sanctuaries and unique species of flora and fauna.

Landscapes of ancient homesteads and monasteries are also objects of ecological tourism.

In addition, Belarus has more than a thousand specially protected natural areas, including areas with unique, etalon or other values, natural complexes and objects that have ecological, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic and other significance.

Related Links

Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus. Facts

Narachansky National Park

TheOfficial Portal of the National Tourism Agency

Official Website of the Republic of Belarus "Belarus.by"

Photoencyclopedia of Belarus

Ecological trail "Blue Lakes"

BelarusTravel. Official Tourism Portal of Belarus