image description
Информационно-электронный досуговый центр. Гомель. Фото С. Холодилина. БЕЛТА
Інфармацыйна-дасугавы цэнтр Гомель. Фота С. Халадзіліна. БЕЛТА
Information and electronic leisure center. Gomel. Photo by S. Kholodilin. BELTA
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Электронная библиотека Витебского медицинского университета. Фото А. Хитрова. БЕЛТА
Электронная бібліятэка Віцебскага медыцынскага ўніверсітэта. Фота А. Хітрова. БЕЛТА
Electronic library of Vitebsk Medical University. Photo by A. Khitrov. BELTA
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В Национальной библиотеке Беларуси. Минск. Фото со страницы «Беларусь библиотечная»
У Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Беларусі. Мінск. Фота са старонкі «Беларусь бібліятэчная»
In the National Library of Belarus. Minsk. Photo from «The Belarus Library» page
image description
Национальная библиотека Беларуси готова принять читателей. Фото БЕЛТА
Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі гатова прыняць чытачоў. Фота БЕЛТА
National Library of Belarus is ready to accept readers. BELTA photo

Library Resources

The Belarusian library system consists of over 7000 public and specialized libraries with the total collection of 180 million items. The leading libraries of the republic have the most powerful information potential. They include the National Library of Belarus, regional libraries, and republican branch libraries. The total collection of the abovementioned libraries is over 82 million documents. Each of these libraries has its own digital resources.

By the beginning of 2021 2 474 libraries are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus: the National Library of Belarus, 6 regional and 2 467 public libraries of local government bodies. The every third citizen of Belarus is the user of a public library.

Digital catalogues providing information on the collections of the majority of libraries are available on the specialized websites.

The digital information resources described in this section aim to reveal the library collections in order to promote rich and unique documentary and book heritage of our people.

The electronic information resources presented in this section includes the documents on Belarus and are aimed primarily at disclosing library collections in the interests of national history, culture, science, education, and contribute to popularization of the rich and unique documentary and book heritage.

Useful links

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus'  bibliotechnaya

Belorusskaya bibliotechnaya associaciya (Belarusian Library Association)

Biblioteki Respubliki Belarus' i zarubezhny'x stran

The national bibliography of Belarus

Pravoslavny'e biblioteki Belarusi

Spravochnik pravoslavny'x bibliotek Belarusi

Svodny'j e'lektronny'j katalog bibliotek Belarusi (Union Catalog of Belarusian libraries)

Svodny'j e'lektronny'j katalog statej LibKARD (Union Catalog of articles LibCARD)

Svodny'j katalog bibliotek Belorusskogo E'kzarxata Pravoslavnoj Russkoj Cerkvi